
Building a Nest

Hummingbirds in a Nest
To build a nest, female hummingbirds (males do not take part) would continuously add small twigs and other materials to a branch of a tree, shrub, or a leaf. The hummingbird will then use silk from a spider's web to bind together the material and secure the nest to the branch or leaf. When the the nest is complete, it will be cup-shaped and vary from the size of half of a walnut's shell to being several centimeters in diameter.

Laying Eggs

Two Hummingbird Eggs in a Nest
        Female hummingbirds will lay two white eggs. The eggs will usually be relative to the size of the hummingbird's adult size, but some are as small as peas. The incubation will take anywhere from 15-19 days.

Feeding Young

Mother Hummingbird Feeding Nestling
    The mother hummingbird will feed her nestlings arthropods and nectar by inserting her bill into the open mouth of her nestlings. She then will regurgitate the food into the nestling's crop.