

Hummingbird on a Branch

Cool Facts on Hummingbirds

         Hummingbirds are the smallest birds that are here today. They are small birds that are usually brightly colored. They also have very slender bills and an extendable tounge for sipping nectar. Their wings are so fast (12-90 times per second) that they are the only species of bird that can fly backwards! They are also able to hover in mid-air! Hummingbirds also have the ability to fly at a speed of more than 34 miles per hour. Because the hummingbird fossils that have been found dating back to about 30-million years ago are basicly the same as hummingbirds today, scientists concluded that hummingbirds have barely been changed by evolution. The Aztecs wore hummingbird talismans as a sign of energy, vigor, and skill with weapons and warfare. Their average lifespan is from 2-5 years and the best known record of the longest living hummingbird is of a female Broad-tailed hummingbird who lived to be at least 12 years old!
Hummingbird Lapping Nectar

by: K.C. Kashyap
Period: #2